A Toast to our Editors

Our editors are the often invisible elves that keep Sun Star going. And, at the risk of sounding like braggarts, we’ve got one kick-ass editorial team. These are the diligent souls who read submissions, send out emails, edit and proofread, layout the journal, design covers, write blog posts, post to social media, and do all the small and large tasks of keeping Sun Star up and running. Our journal is a complete labor of love; these lovely lit lovers don’t get paid in anything but gratitude.

So this, our last post of 2017, is a toast to our editors, a multi talented bunch of writers, artists, musicians, teachers, and more! Here’s a small sample of what they’ve been up to in 2017:

Adriana Campoy’s poems appeared in Riot Time’s book, Distances and she’s been inspiring young minds with her creative writing classes at Orange County School of the Arts.

Justine Chan’s poetry was featured in Seattle’s Poetry on Buses program and her fiction appeared in Booth’s Women Writers Issue. Justine’s also an amazing performer. Give a listen to her readings and music from this year.

Rachel Linn’s writing appeared in PacificaStorm Cellar, Cease, Cows, and more. Her illustrations have also been regularly featured in the Future Fire.  Keep an eye out for Rachel’s cover art for Lambda Literary’s Emerge Anthology to be released at AWP this spring!

Ann Shivers-McNair has been rocking her first year as Director of Professional and Technical Writing at the University of Arizona and publishing her research in Technical Communication, Kairosand Crossing Divides: Exploring Translingual Writing Pedagogies and Programs.

Audie Shushan published the beautiful “Sex After Fascism” in Luna Station Quarterly and has been hard at work teaching at StoryStudio Chicago. Watch for her in MAKE Magazine!

Nora Broker published her breathtaking essay, “Ariel,” at Gertrude Press. She also wrote  eloquently about her own experience in support of the passage of HB2673A, an important bill to help transgender Oregonians change the gender markers on their IDs – and Oregon’s first standalone transgender equality bill.

Miranda Schmidt’s essay about myth and sexual harassment, “The Girl’s Who Turned Into Trees” appeared in Electric Literature and her selkie fairy tale, “Skin,” appeared in Triquarterly. This winter/spring she’s editing for Lambda Literary’s Emerge Anthology and for Phantom Drift (submit your fabulist wonders!)

Thanks for following Sun Star. We’ve absolutely loved reading all your stories and poems and essays and multigenre whosits this year! See you in 2018!

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